Formulas > =FALSE()

How To Use FALSE() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the logical value `FALSE`.

Common questions about the false formula include:
What is the false formula?
What does the false formula do?

The false formula can be used appropriately to check for whether a certain condition is met or not. It can be used in conditional formatting to highlight cells or in certain formulas to determine the outcome of certain criteria.

The false formula can be commonly mistyped as parsing the condition the wrong way. A common mistake is to enter the condition as ""=FALSE("" instead of ""=FALSE"".

Common ways the false formula is used inappropriately include:
Using the false formula when a logical formula is more appropriate;
Using the false formula as a substitute for basic math operations such as addition;
Using the false formula as a substitution for comparison operators;
Including the false formula in more complex formulas with more than one condition.

Common pitfalls when using the false formula include:
Incorrectly specifying the condition;
Using the false formula when it is not necessary;
Neglecting to use parentheses when necessary.

Common mistakes when using the false formula include:
Neglecting to check if the formula result is true or false;
Using the false formula when a regular formula is more appropriate;
Using the false formula in formulas with more than one condition;
Entering the wrong condition into the false formula;
Incorrectly typing the syntax of the false formula.

Common misconceptions people might have with the false formula include:
Believing the false formula will always return a false value; 
Believing the false formula only works with numbers; 
Believing the false formula is necessary for every formula.

How To Actually Use FALSE() in Sheets


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Learn more about the FALSE() formula:

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