Formulas > =F.INV.RT()

How To Use F.INV.RT() Function in Google Sheets


Calculates the inverse of the right-tailed F probability distribution. Also called the Fisher-Snedecor distribution or Snedecor’s F distribution.

Common questions about the F.INV.RT formula include:
- What does the F.INV.RT formula do?
- What is the syntax for the F.INV.RT formula?
- How does the F.INV.RT formula work?
- How accurate is the F.INV.RT formula?

The F.INV.RT formula can be used appropriately to calculate the inverse of the student's recent distribution given the q-value. The syntax for the formula is F.INV.RT(value, degrees of freedom1, degrees of freedom2).

The F.INV.RT formula can be commonly mistyped as F.INVRT, F.INVWRT, FINVRT, or FINVWRT.

Common ways the F.INV.RT formula is used inappropriately include using it to calculate the cumulative distribution function of the student's recent distribution, using the wrong degrees of freedom values, or not properly formatting the formula. 

Common pitfalls when using the F.INV.RT formula include not understanding the formula well enough to accurately interpret the results, not formatting the formula correctly, or incorrectly entering data.

Common mistakes when using the F.INV.RT formula include not ensuring that the degrees of freedom are correct and that the formula is properly formatted.

Common misconceptions people might have with the F.INV.RT formula include the assumption that it can be used to calculate other probability distributions, such as the normal distribution, or that is does not require degrees of freedom to be entered.

How To Actually Use F.INV.RT() in Sheets

F.INV.RT(probability, degrees_freedom1, degrees_freedom2)

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