Formulas > =DGET()

How To Use DGET() Function in Google Sheets


Returns a single value from a database table-like array or range using a SQL-like query.

Common questions about the DGET formula:

1. What does the DGET formula do?
2. How can I use the DGET formula to retrieve a specified record from a table?
3. What parameters does the DGET formula require?
4. How can I troubleshoot a DGET formula when it is not working?

How can the DGET formula be used appropriately:

Using the DGET formula is an easy way to  extract a single value from a column of data that match specific criteria. When using the DGET formula appropriately, it is important to provide accurate criteria and validation for the retrieving value.

How can the DGET formula be commonly mistyped:

The DGET formula can be easily mistyped if the proper syntax is not used. The formula is case sensitive and requires the function name to be in all capital letters. The values for the criteria must also be entered exactly as they appear in a column of data.

What are some common ways the DGET formula is used inappropriately:

The DGET formula can be used inappropriately if incorrect criteria are specified or there is a syntax error in the formula.
Incorrect criteria could result in no data being returned or the incorrect data being returned. Incorrect use of the DGET formula can also cause errors due to a column not containing the exact criteria specified in the formula.

What are some common pitfalls when using the DGET formula:

One of the most common pitfalls when using the DGET formula is forgetting to include all of the required parameters. The DGET formula requires the database, field, and criteria parameters to be specified in order for it to work correctly.
Another common mistake when using the DGET formula is mistyping the data that is used as criteria. It is important to make sure that the criteria is typed exactly as it appears in the column of data.

What are common mistakes when using the DGET Formula:

Common mistakes when using the DGET Formula include not including all required parameters, mistyping the criteria data, using invalid criteria, and not properly formatting the data.

What are common misconceptions people might have with the DGET Formula:

A common misconception about the DGET Formula is that it can be used to query multiple values, when in fact it only returns a single value. Another misconception is that the data has to be formatted in a certain way, when it is actually not required.

How To Actually Use DGET() in Sheets

DGET(database, field, criteria)

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Learn more about the DGET() formula:

DGET - Powerful VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH Replacement - Google Sheets Tutorial

Learn how to match data, join data from different tables & worksheets using DGET function in Google Sheets. Learn differences between DGET, VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH and why DGET might be an interesting or sometimes better alternative to VLOOKUP & INDEX/MATCH. Functions used: DGET, VLOOKUP, ERROR.TYPE, IFERROR, IF

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