Formulas > =COUPNUM()

How To Use COUPNUM() Function in Google Sheets


Calculates the number of coupons, or interest payments, between the settlement date and the maturity date of the investment.

Common questions about the COUPNUM Formula:
1. What does the COUPNUM formula do?
2. How does the COUPNUM formula work?
3. Can the COUPNUM formula work with negative numbers?

How can the COUPNUM formula be used appropriately?
The COUPNUM formula can be used to generate an annual yield on a security, such as a bond. It is applied to the security's coupon payments, divided by the purchase price, expressed as a decimal and then multiplied by 100 to illustrate the yield as a percentage. It can also be used to calculate the current yield for a security containing a fixed coupon.

How can the COUPNUM formula be commonly mistyped?
It is common to mistype the word COUPNUM as COUPONUM, or to forget to include the parentheses when using the formula. Also COUPENUM, COUPENM, COUPNM, COUPUM, COUPNU.

What are some common ways the COUPNUM formula is used inappropriately?
Some common ways the COUPNUM formula is used inappropriately include attempting to use it together with other formulas, attempting to use it with a security not containing a fixed coupon, or attempting to use it with a security that does not have a known purchase price such as a stock.

What are some common pitfalls when using the COUPNUM formula?
Common pitfalls include attempting to calculate yield on a security that does not contain a fixed coupon, such as a stock, and forgetting to divide the total coupon payments by the purchase price.

What are common mistakes when using the COUPNUM Formula?
Common mistakes include attempting to use the COUPNUM formula with a security that does not contain a fixed coupon, mistyping the formula as COUPONUM and forgetting to include parentheses when forming the formula.

What are common misconceptions people might have with the COUPNUM Formula?
Common misconceptions are that the COUPNUM formula can be used with any security, such as a stock, or that it can be used to calculate other values related to security yield calculations, such as price discounts or premiums.

How To Actually Use COUPNUM() in Sheets

COUPNUM(settlement, maturity, frequency, [day_count_convention])

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