Formulas > =COMPLEX()

How To Use COMPLEX() Function in Google Sheets


Creates a complex number given real and imaginary coefficients.

Common questions about the COMPLEX formula include:
-What is the syntax of the formula? 
-How do I use the formula?
-When should I use the formula? 
-What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the COMPLEX formula?

The COMPLEX formula can be used to process multiple operations on the same data set in a single formula. It can also be used to assess data sets with multiple combined operations such as nesting functions or running several calculations on the same data set. 

The COMPLEX formula can be mistyped if the syntax of the formula is not correct. Common errors include using incorrect brackets or data types, incorrect ranges or incorrect functions. 

Common ways the COMPLEX formula is used inappropriately include using too many functions in a single formula, using unnecessary functions, or using the wrong syntax. 

Common pitfalls when using the COMPLEX formula include incorrect brackets, typos, forgetting to enclose ranges in quotation marks, and incorrect order of operation. 

Common mistakes when using the COMPLEX Formula include incorrect order of operations, incorrect data from linked cells, incorrect sum ranges or incorrect data formats. 

Common misconceptions people might have with the COMPLEX Formula include not realizing that the formula can be used to process multiple operations on the same data set in a single formula, incorrectly assuming that the formula is limited to processing data from two cells, or not understanding the order of operations in which the formula executes.

How To Actually Use COMPLEX() in Sheets

COMPLEX(real_part, imaginary_part, [suffix])

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Learn more about the COMPLEX() formula:


This video shows the use of Google Sheets functions: COMPLEX, IMABS, IMARGUMENT, SQRT, SUMSQ, TRANSPOSE

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