Common questions about the BITRSHIFT formula:
1. What is the BITRSHIFT formula?
2. What formula arguments can be used with the BITRSHIFT formula?
3. What is the maximum number of bits that can be shifted in one BITRSHIFT formula?
4. What is the difference between the BITRSHIFT and BIN-SHIFT formulas?
The BITRSHIFT formula can be used appropriately by shifting bits from an internal numeric representation in order to compress or expand values and extract fractions.
The BITRSHIFT formula can be commonly mistyped as BITSRSHIFT, BITRSHIIFT, or BITRSHIFTT.
Some common ways the BITRSHIFT formula is used inappropriately include attempting to use the formula when a built-in math function would suffice, or attempting to shift too many bits at once.
Some common pitfalls when using the BITRSHIFT formula include improperly shifting values which leads to unintended results, and omitting to specify the bit shift range and bit mask values.
Common mistakes when using the BITRSHIFT formula include incorrect placement of the formula arguments, using redundant arguments, or forgetting to add a bit shift range and/or bit mask.
Common misconceptions people might have with the BITRSHIFT Formula are thinking that it works like a logical function or that it can be used to manipulate text values.