Formulas > =BITOR()

How To Use BITOR() Function in Google Sheets


Bitwise boolean OR of 2 numbers.

Common Questions about the BITOR Formula:
1. What does the BITOR formula do?
2. What are the syntax and parameters of the BITOR formula?

How can the BITOR Formula be used Appropriately:

The BITOR formula is used to find the bitwise inclusive OR of two or more numbers. It can compare all the bits and returns a new number with the bits of the original numbers OR-ed together. It is used to determine if the bit of a number is set.

How can the BITOR Formula be Commonly Mistyped:

The BITOR formula can be commonly mistyped as “BITOR” instead of “BITOR”. It can also be mis-spelled or abbreviated incorrectly, such as “BitOR” or “BOR”.

What are Some Common Ways the BITOR Formula is Used Inappropriately:

The BITOR formula should not be used to perform arithmetic or comparison operations, as this may lead to inaccurate calculations. The formula should also not be used to calculate the length of a string or collection of data.

What are Some Common Pitfalls when Using the BITOR Formula:

One pitfall of using the BITOR formula is that it can be difficult to read and understand the result, especially with long numbers and strings. Additionally, if the wrong parameters are used, the formula may produce unexpected results.

What are Common Mistakes when Using the BITOR Formula:

A common mistake when using the BITOR formula is forgetting to use the “OR” operator within the formula. This can lead to unexpected results or errors. Additionally, some users may forget to include both parameters within the formula, or they may forget to use parentheses when using multiple parameters.

What are Common Misconceptions People Might Have with the BITOR Formula:

Some people may think the BITOR formula is only used to compare numbers, when in fact it can also be used to compare strings or collections of data. Additionally, some may think the BITOR formula is only used for logical operations, when it can actually be used for arithmetic operations as well.

How To Actually Use BITOR() in Sheets

BITOR(value1, value2)

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