Formulas > =AVERAGEIF()

How To Use AVERAGEIF() Function in Google Sheets


Returns the average of a range depending on criteria.

Common questions about the AVERAGEIF formula in Google Sheets include:
What does the AVERAGEIF formula do?
How do I use the AVERAGEIF formula in Google Sheets?
What are the arguments of the AVERAGEIF formula?
Can the AVERAGEIF formula handle multiple criteria?
How does the AVERAGEIF formula handle empty or non-numeric cells?
Can the AVERAGEIF formula be used with ranges from multiple columns or sheets?
Are there any limitations or restrictions when using the AVERAGEIF formula?
The AVERAGEIF formula in Google Sheets is used to calculate the average of a range of values based on a specified condition or criteria. It allows you to average only the values that meet the specified condition.

To use the AVERAGEIF formula appropriately, follow these steps:
Specify the range of values you want to evaluate.
Enter the condition or criteria that the values need to meet.
Optionally, provide a range of cells containing the values to average (if different from the range specified in step 1).
Press Enter to calculate the average based on the specified condition.

The AVERAGEIF formula can be mistyped in several ways. Here are a few common mistakes:
Misspelling the formula as "AVERGEIF" or "AVGIF."
Omitting the required arguments or using incorrect argument syntax.
Mixing up the order of the arguments.
Using invalid or incompatible data types in the formula.

The AVERAGEIF formula can be used inappropriately in a few common ways:
Applying the formula to ranges that include non-numeric data that should be excluded from the average calculation.
Using the formula with a condition or criteria that doesn't match the data type or format in the range.
Not properly specifying the range or criteria, leading to incorrect or unexpected results.

When using the AVERAGEIF formula, there are some common pitfalls to watch out for:
Ensuring the condition or criteria used in the formula accurately reflects the values you want to average.
Being aware that the formula treats empty cells as zeros, which can significantly affect the average if there are many empty cells.
Verifying that the range used in the formula covers all the necessary data and doesn't include unintended cells.

Common mistakes when using the AVERAGEIF formula include:
Forgetting to adjust the range reference when adding or removing data, leading to outdated or incorrect averages.
Not properly formatting the criteria or condition, resulting in unexpected or incorrect averages.
Applying the formula to a range that contains errors or incompatible data types, resulting in an error.

Common misconceptions people might have about the AVERAGEIF formula:
Assuming that the formula can handle multiple criteria without using additional functions or formulas.
Believing that the formula automatically excludes empty or non-numeric cells from the average calculation, which is not the case.
Expecting the formula to handle ranges from multiple columns or sheets automatically without specifying the desired range explicitly.

It's important to have a clear understanding of the AVERAGEIF formula, its arguments, its behavior with empty or non-numeric cells, and its limitations to use it correctly and avoid common mistakes and misconceptions.

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How To Actually Use AVERAGEIF() in Sheets

AVERAGEIF(criteria_range, criterion, [average_range])

Looking for a video tutorial? Members can email me anytime! Check out the blogs below for more info on this formula. Or generate your formula. Find more formulas here at

Learn more about the AVERAGEIF() formula:

Google Sheets - SumIF, CountIF, AverageIF

countif, sumif, averageif functions in Google Sheets

Generate a AVERAGEIF() formula for your needs with AI

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