Courses > Beyond Sheets

6 Tutorials

Everyone and their sister asks me about plugins and addons all the time. I'm asked about glide and spreadsimple and sheet 2 sites. So I might as well test those out and show off fun things to do with extra stuff, that goes far beyond what I focus on.


Followup to the Bookmarklet video. To help you find the entry number for each form field.
Curate a newsletter. Collect YouTube videos. Research competitors. All with this one line of javascript. Build your own web clipper. Use the Bookmarklet to clip web content to your Google Sheet. Clip text and links directly from the web to your Google Sheet with just a few clicks.
Learn how to redirect a domain to a google sheet. Set up subdomains and MVPs of sites easily.
So you want to download a Google Sheet as a CSV. Let's do it!
The entire process to create and publish a Google Sheets Add-on internally to your own domain.
Want to create sleek, stunning PDFs from your Google Sheets? Look no further! Learn how to easily export your sheets to PDF format and impress your audience. Create a PDF from your Google Sheet.