Formulas > =TRIMMEAN()

How To Use TRIMMEAN() Function in Google Sheets


Calculates the mean of a dataset excluding some proportion of data from the high and low ends of the dataset.

Common questions about the TRIMMEAN formula:

1. What is the TRIMMEAN formula?
2. What does the TRIMMEAN formula do?
3. How can the TRIMMEAN formula be used to calculate the mean of a data set?

How can the TRIMMEAN formula be used appropriately:

1. The TRIMMEAN formula should be used along with the function AVERAGE to compute the mean and remove the outliers from the data set.
2. It should be used with care as it could lead to inaccurate results if outliers are not removed as required.
3. The TRIMMEAN formula should also be used to calculate the mean of small data sets.

How can the TRIMMEAN formula be commonly mistyped:

1. TRIMEAN instead of TRIMMEAN
3. TRIM MEAN instead of TRIMMEAN

What are some common ways the TRIMMEAN formula is used inappropriately:

1. Using it with large data sets
2. Not considering the outlier values
3. Applying it to data that doesn't need trimming

What are some common pitfalls when using the TRIMMEAN formula:

1. Not removing outliers
2. Not considering the average when calculating the mean
3. Calculating the mean without taking into consideration the size of the data set

What are common mistakes when using the TRIMMEAN formula:

1. Not considering the average when calculating the mean.
2. Not removing outliers.
3. Not using the TRIMMEAN formula in conjunction with other functions such as AVERAGE.

What are common misconceptions people might have with the TRIMMEAN Formula:

1. That the TRIMMEAN formula is applicable to all data sets, regardless of size or outliers.
2. That the TRIMMEAN Formula cannot be used for large data sets.
3. That the TRIMMEAN Formula is not necessary to calculate the mean of a data set.

How To Actually Use TRIMMEAN() in Sheets

TRIMMEAN(data, exclude_proportion)

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