Formulas > =ISNA()

How To Use ISNA() Function in Google Sheets


Checks whether a value is the error `#N/A`.

Common questions about the ISNA Formula:
  • What is the ISNA Formula?
  • How does the ISNA Formula work?
  • What are the arguments for the ISNA Formula?
  • What are some examples of the ISNA Formula?

How can the ISNA formula be used appropriately?
The ISNA formula is used to check for blank cells in a range of cells. It is to be used when it is important for the user to check for any blank cells. The ISNA formula should be used with the specific range of cells that is needed.

How can the ISNA formula be commonly mistyped?
The ISNA formula can be mistyped by making mistakes in the range of cells for which the formula is to be used to check for blank cells, by entering an incorrect Boolean value, or by forgetting to use double quotes. Some common mistypings are INSA and ISAN.

What are some common ways the ISNA formula is used inappropriately?
The ISNA formula can be used inappropriately by making mistakes in the range of cells for which the formula is to be used to check for blank cells, by entering an incorrect Boolean value, or by using it to check for other types of errors.

What are some common pitfalls when using the ISNA formula?
One of the common pitfalls when using the ISNA formula is forgetting to enter the range of cells when applying the formula. The user must also be careful to enter the correct Boolean value and to not forget to use double quotes.

What are common mistakes when using the ISNA Formula?
Common mistakes when using the ISNA formula include forgetting to enter the range of cells when applying the formula, entering the incorrect Boolean value, and forgetting to use double quotes.

What are common misconceptions people might have with the ISNA Formula?
One common misconception that people might have with the ISNA formula is that it measures the presence of errors or values in a range of cells, but it only checks for blank cells. Another misconception is that it is used to compare two different cells.

How To Actually Use ISNA() in Sheets


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Learn more about the ISNA() formula:

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Let's discover the formula for comparing 2 lists in spreadsheets and apply it to a framework. We'll discuss the ISNA and MATCH functions, along with the IF, AND, and OR. The framework involves determining which members of your club participate in all 3 volunteer activities and therefore receive gold stars. The related post can be found on

Generate a ISNA() formula for your needs with AI

Google Sheets Formula Generator

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